The view from close analysis of the virus
On 10 July 2008 and CHIP opportunity to see FSecure laboratory in Kuala Lumpur. What is there? Seoul following. Andi Desmal
Before entering the laboratory area, it Heinonen, Vice President FSecure for Asia Pasiik, provide a brief explanation about FSecure have 20 years to handle the virus in the world. Currently, FSecure already has 15 offices in 15 countries and three laboratories in the world. In addition, in Malaysia, two other laboratories in the United States and Finland. According to it, until now, the focus FSecure still analyzing the virus and various other gadfly to the end user because the virus type is the most Internet users in the world.
There are many things that have been done FSecure security services to the Internet in the next 20 years. Even since 2000, FSecure not only to focus on handling the virus only a PC, but also in the mobile phone virus.
In the laboratory security FSecure this, FSecure monitor the development of the virus in the world. In the activities, not less than 70,000 examples of the virus viruses into the lab. Around 2,000 species can be directly detected. For other types, FSecure will analyze further. The results of this analysis will be out in the form of updates in the seven to nine days. Watched the development of this virus by FSecure through various ways, such as user reports FSecure own that send virus samples, special radar, Google maps, and the International beritaberita discuss Internet security issues. According to Wing Fei Chia, Security Response Team Manager FSecure Security Labs, the creator of the virus at this time to focus more money. Viruses are expected to steal the data of various important information from users of the Internet. These data will be used to dredge sebanyakbanyaknya money from the victims. " Targettarget the virus of course, from individuals, organizations, governments, to a social networking service users. Therefore, analysts and antivirus always work the maximum to prevent widespread virus.
In laboratory security FC this, the staff FSecure also observe the development of viruses for mobile phones. Smartphones become the target of frequent diincar by the virus because it has a system in operation. To examine this mobile phone virus, FSecure utilize a special room, which also is in the laboratory. In this space, the security level of a handheld communication device can be analyzed. The researchers mengotakatik free of the virus in this space without having to worry that the virus will contaminate other ponselponsel outside the special room. CHIP also see some of the phone when tested in the room. Some mobile phone began to open. The phone has not had a virus protector will be contaminated with the virus when switched bluetooth facilities. According to Chia Wing Fei, the development of features in the communication devices that encourage the virus tries to log into the device. Moreover, now there are no restrictions in the mobile phone. Phone not only can be used for communication only. Users can now be used for various activities, ranging from games to financial transactions in the bank.
Source: Ed Chip Magazine. 08/2008
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